Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Christmas is one of those holidays that I either love or hate. I love it when I have my boys and I hate it when I don't. This year I didn't have them and had to wait the whole day of  Christmas to pick them up at 9 am the day after. It really felt like Christmas that morning when I rushed to pick them up. They were so excited that Santa had visited my house as well as Daddy's.

The boys loved their gifts...a Wii, lots of Star Wars stuff and the Justin Bieber doll, oops, it's not a doll. Nolan says it's just a toy. Well, Nolan slept with Justin Bieber the first night and had taken his shoes, bow tie, sunglasses and microphone off so Justin was comfortable.
So the next morning, I wake up to Nolan and Justin in my bed. Before I could get the words out..."good morning", Nolan was rushing to his room shouting..."I have to get Justin dressed!".

It's so funny how Nolan takes to "dolls" and stuffed animals. He's not like most kids who want to play with cars only. He likes everything and often only for a little while. Last night he made a deal with his brother that he would "let Dylan have Justin for 4 days" only. Dylan didn't care for the deal so we are headed to Wal Mart this weekend with his Christmas money to get one of his own.

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