Saturday, November 26, 2011

Santa's Coming!

In the midst of the holiday season and black Friday, the boys and I laid low. Went to the movies and ran errands. Every toy we saw, Dylan said he was getting that for Christmas. I told him we had to write a letter to Santa so that he knows what he wants. He thought about it an informed me that we didn't need to write a letter to Santa because Santa is always watching (that's what I tell him so he will behave) and he can hear him when he says "that's what I want for Christmas". Pretty clever of him, I I have to pay attention.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Serious, yet the class clown. Dylan is the kid that surprises you. You never know what will come out of his's usually very funny.

The other day one of my friends is talking about some guy she met at a bar that wouldn't leave her alone, told her he loved her, etc. Thinking Dylan's not listening, we continue to chat. As you know it's dark outside now, and outside of the buidling where we were, a car pulls up. Dylan out of the blue says, hey, there's that guy. It cracked us up. That might have been one of those times where you had to be there, but nonetheless we laughed.


Nolan is my crazy one. He's fun and grumpy rolled into one. The other day he had been to the doctor for an ear infection. After he started feeling better he told me the doctor had told him that he could only eat candy and more regular food.

He has a major sweet tooth. I've come downstairs after taking a shower to find him filling a cup up with Hershey's syrup.  When I catch him all he does is laugh and runs away. Somehow he thinks he's bigger than me and that I won't catch him.

So Nolan will provide me with a ton of stuff to include in this blog. Then when he's 16 and looks back at it, he will be thoroughly embarrassed! :)


I decided to start this blog because I keep telling my Mom all of the funny, silly, cute and sometimes obnoxious things my two crazy boys do or say and she says, "you need to write this stuff down"! So here I go...